보스톤 인근 골프장 가이드 (90번(128번) 안팎의 골프장) - D to K
Fresh Pond Golf Club

 691 Huron Avenue Cambridge, MA (617)349-6282


 Club Pro: Bob Carey, Dir. Of Golf

 Payment: Cash, Check, Visa, MC

 Tee Times: Weekends only

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $22, Weekend $26

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $32, Weekend $38

 Twilight Rates: No

 Discounts: Senior & Junior $14 (residents only)

 Cart Rental: $14pp/18, $9pp/9

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: $50/half hour

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: Yes

 Architect/Yr Open: Donald Ross

 Other: Snack Bar / Vending Machines 

 Great course for all levels. Season tickets available. Off-season rates. Conditions better than ever. Great pro shop. Open Apr.-Dec.

 Directions:  I-95 to Route 2 East to Cambridge. Go west on Huron Avenue to course.

Gannon Golf Course

 60 Great Woods Road Lynn, MA (781)595-5674


 Club Pro:  Mike Foster, PGA

 Payment:  Visa, MC, Disc

 Tee Times:  2 days adv.

 Fee 9 Holes:  Weekdays $19, Weekend $21 after 3:30pm

 Fee 18 Holes:  Weekdays $34, Weekend $42 Spring/Fall only

 Twilight Rates:  After 3:30pm

 Discounts:  Junior

 Cart Rental:  $15pp/18, $7.50pp/9

 Driving Range:  No

 Lessons:  No

 Schools:  No

 Junior Golf:  Yes

 Membership:  Yes

 Architect/Yr Open:  Wayne Stiles/ 1931

 Other:  Restaurant/ Clubhouse / Lockers / Showers / Snack Bar / Bar-Lounge

 Golf Course features the rolling terrain which Stiles was famous for. Wonderful views of Boston as well as Lynn Woods Reservation. Challenging 18 holes in magnificent condition.

 Directions:  I-95 North to Exit 44B. Rotary to 129 East-Lynn/Swampscott. 1.9 miles on right (Lynn Woods). I-95 South to Route 1 South. Left onto 129 East, to rotary. Follow 129 East-Lynn/Swampscott. 1.9 miles on right (Lynn Woods).

George Wright Golf Club

 420 West St. Hyde Park, MA (617)364-2300


 Club Pro:  Scott Allen, PGA

 Payment:  Visa, MC

 Tee Times:  S/S 2 days adv

 Fee 9 Holes:  Weekdays $22.50 M-F, Weekend $26 S/S/H

 Fee 18 Holes:  Weekdays $37 M-F, Weekend $44 S/S/H

 Twilight Rates:  No

 Discounts:  Senior & Junior

 Cart Rental:  $20pp/18, $11pp/9

 Driving Range:  No

 Lessons:  $40/half hour

 Schools:  No

 Junior Golf:  Yes

 Membership:  Yes

 Architect/Yr Open:  Donald Ross/1938

 Other:  Snack Bar / Bar-Lounge

 Rated #14 in Golfweek’s 2009 rating of the top municipal golf courses in the United States.

 Boston resident rates available. After 2 easy holes to get you warmed up, it kicks into gear and keeps you working hard the rest of the way.

 Directions:  I-95/Route 128 to Route 1 North to Washington St(left) in Hyde Park. Take a right onto Beach St. Follow signs to course.

Granite Links Golf Club

 100 Quarry Hills Drive Quincy, MA (617)689-1900


 Club Pro:  Stephen Clancy, PGA

 Payment:  Visa, MC, Amex, Disc

 Tee Times:  4 days in advance

 Fee 9 Holes:  Weekdays $70w/cart M-W, Weekend $70 w/cart Th/F/S/S

 Fee 18 Holes:  Weekdays $125w/cart M-W, Weekend $125 w/cart Th/F/S/S

 Twilight Rates:  After 4 pm

 Discounts:  Seniors Tues/ & Wed., Milton/Quincy residents

 Cart Rental:  Included

 Driving Range:  $ 10/bucket

 Lessons:  $50/half hour, $95/hour, 5 lessons/$225

 Junior Golf:  Yes

 Membership:  Yes

 Architect/Yr Open:  John Sanford/2003

 Other:  Restaurant/ Clubhouse/Lockers (Members only)/ Showers/Bar-Lounge

 GPS:  Yes

 Directions:  Golf Digest Top 100. 27-hole course with exceptional views and conditions.

Green Harbor Golf Club

 624 Webster St. Marshfield, MA (781)834-7303


 Club Pro:  Charles Lanzetta, Dir. Of Golf

 Payment:  Cash, Visa, MC, Personal Checks

 Tee Times: 7 daysadv.

 Fee 9 Holes:  Weekdays $21, Weekend $25

 Fee 18 Holes:  Weekdays $35, Weekend $45

 Twilight Rates:  After 5pm

 Discounts:  Srs. Tues 6am-12pm

 Cart Rental:  No

 Driving Range:  No

 Lessons:  Yes

 Schools:  Yes

 Junior Golf:  Yes

 Membership:  Yes

 Architect/Yr Open:  Manuel Francis/ 1971

 Other:  Clubhouse / Snack Bar / Lounge

 Flat, open course. Water on 5 holes. Features velvet bent grass. Open March 15-December 15

 Directions:  I-93 to Route 3 South to Exit 12(Route 139). 139 East 4.5 miles. Right on Webster St. 1 mile on left.

Hillview Golf Course

 149 North St. No. Reading, MA (978)664-4435


 Club Pro:  Chris Carter, PGA

 Payment:  Visa, MC, Amex, Disc

 Tee Times:  Yes

 Fee 9 Holes:  Weekdays $20, Weekend $ 23 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $38, Weekend $41

 Twilight Rates: No

 Discounts: Sr.& Jr.(M-Th) before noon $ 15

 Cart Rental: $15pp/18, $7.50pp/9

 Driving Range: Yes

 Lessons: Yes

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: No

 Architect/Yr Open: 1950s

 Other: Snack Bar/ Restaurant/ Bar-Lounge/ Clubhouse

 A popular course in a good location, Interesting layout. Continuous golf course renovations.

 Directions: I-93 to Exit 40 and follow Route 62 East 1/2 miles. Turn left on North St. Course is 1/2 mile up on left.

Kelley Greens By The Sea

 1 Willow Road Nahant, MA (781)581-0840 ext. 101


 Club Pro: John Fennel, Teaching Pro

 Payment: Cash, Credit Cards

 Tee Times: 3 days adv.

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $15 M-F, Weekend $18

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $25, Weekend $28

 Twilight Rates: No

 Discounts: None

 Cart Rental: $20/18, $12/9 per cart

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: $35/half hour

 Schools: No

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: Yes

 Other: Restaurant / Snack Bar /Lounge

 Newly renovated clubhouse w/5 star chef(open year round). Improvements have made course more user-friendly. An average golfer can usually cover 9 holes in under 2 hours. Residents’ discount.

 Directions: Route 1A to Lynn Center. Go toward Nahant over causeway (Nahant Road). Follow signs to course.

King Rail Reserve Golf Course

 427 Walnut St. Lynnfield, MA (781)334-2877


 Club Pro: Eddie Whalley, PGA

 Payment: Visa, MC, Discover Tee Times: No

 Fee 9 Holes: Weekdays $21, Weekend $21

 Fee 18 Holes: Weekdays $32, Weekend $32

 Twilight Rates: No

 Discounts: Senior & Junior

 Cart Rental: $13pp/18, $8pp/9

 Driving Range: No

 Lessons: $50/30 min.

 Schools: Yes

 Junior Golf: Yes

 Membership: No

 Other: We welcome players of all levels.

 KRRGC is a fairly wide open course that winds through a ready meadow. Proper attire and etiquette are requested. The course is 9 holes.

 GPS: Yes

 Directions: Route 128/95 Exit 43 Walnut St. Lynnfield. End of south ramp entrance go straight ahead and up the hill. North ramp, go left under the bridge, left to entrance.

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2011 뉴잉글랜드 골프가이드 선정 최고 코스