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줌 수업중 발생한 인종차별 사건
2020-04-16, 17:40:25   NSHS Against Racism 추천수 : 282  |  조회수 : 4987
IP : 73.XXXX.16.2
 플러스 광고
의견목록    [의견수 : 2]
2022.07.27, 00:45:54
!!! 세계 최초 1:1 대응번역에 성공한 !!!

[박경호헬라어번역성경 로마서]
IP : 49.xxx.108.235
Alethes Sophia
2020.04.23, 07:36:45
This is stupid. "Racial categories" and "ethnic categories" are all in your mind. Also, "Chinese" is not a race. It's a NATIONALITY.
These kinds of events are PRECISELY the reason why "race" and "ethnicity" is nonsensical, inconsistent, confusing, and unreliable way to organize the world in our minds. Stupidity can be prevented by rejecting the use of this category. It is not other people's fault, if I myself contribute to the confusion by using these USELESS and MEANINGLESS categories. I must begin by rejecting the use of these faulty ideas.

I myself do not recognize myself as being ANY race or ethnicity. I do not self-identify as "black", I do not self-identify as "white", I do not self-identify as "asian", I do not self-identify as "Chinese", I do not self-identify as "Korean", or anything else. I also don't automatically box other people into these useless racial and ethnic categories. If required to, I will self-identify either as an "earthling" or as "Neo", meaning "new". I suggest that you all who want social change and a better future world, do the same as I am doing. I have taught my son this same thing, so there are already 2 people in the world who think this way. And with you, there can be more and more, until we change the way the world thinks.

I will accept that others self-identify as a race. But, those words like "white", "black", and even "Chinese" when it's used as a race/ethnicity, have no meaning for me. (I only understand clearly what it means if someone is Chinese in the sense that they self-identify as a citizen of China.) They might as well tell me that they are a member of the starfleet federation or that they are a "wawa". It tells me nothing useful or meaningful about the person—or, in fact, what the person LOOKS like.

I will also accept the use of describing words, such as light-skinned, dark-skinned, etc. But note that these descriptions are not identities.
IP : 173.xxx.98.209
* 보스튼코리아 게시판에 기재된 글은 보스톤코리아와 일체무관하며, 보스톤코리아에서는 어떠한 법적 책임도 없음을 알려드립니다. 글을 작성하실 때는 신중하게 작성하여주시기 바랍니다.
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