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현재BAE학원 다니고 있는데 저렴하지만 괜찮은 학원 추천부탁드립니다.
2012-05-05, 20:01:51   ladak 추천수 : 279  |  조회수 : 3806
IP : 50.XXXX.0.170
 플러스 광고
의견목록    [의견수 : 3]
2012.05.08, 16:01:13
Hi, there now I am not available to write Korean please understand that I am writing in English. Actually I also heard about that ASC is terrible and bad for student from here's posting so before deciding to go some english schools I was never considering about ASC school but as you know tuition fee always made me so uncomfortable with any other school. I have no option to go another school except going to ASC. But I became to know that was just the stereotype from some people. Here is so wonderful and great!!I am so satisfied with this school and also thanks to the good connection between other college and university and here, I was getting to know about the good information and I had a great opportunity to meet admission staff of college. That is so wonderful for me. I don't know why here has a terrible reputation. I think some bad studdents with not good attendence make up the story about that. I strongly recommand here if you don't have enough financial situation. Of course comparison to too expensivie schools, you will feel that quality is a little low but that's why tuition fee is so affordable for international students. That is the only one concern you should need. (my prior school was Kaplan in NEU. I love there very much. But tuition fee was so expensive for me so that's why I was looking for another school.) But if your english level is low(you know maybe yourself) I don't recommand here. In fact, I have no problem about the conversation or talking with american. So I can deal with any situation of here. if you have any questions of quaries on ESL, you can send the email. I can help you~~I am preparing to go to MBA school,starting from this fall.
IP : 98.xxx.12.178
2012.05.07, 22:11:54
감사합니다. 그렇군요. 네 나쁘진 않아요. 비용이 부담스러워서요.
ASC는 평가가 너무 나쁘더라구요.
보스톤학원비가 많이 비싸네요.
힘이 팍팍나네요^^
IP : 50.xxx.0.170
2012.05.07, 21:35:34
BAE가 훨씬 훨씬 좋을 거예요. BAE는 괜찮은 학원이예요~ 거기 다니다 ASC나 Target 이런데 가시면 정말 차이가 확 나는 거 느끼 실 거예요. BIA라는 학원은 제가 잘 모르겠지만, 공부가 목적이시라면 ASC는 가지마세요.. 보스턴엔 싼 학원이 없죠.. 암튼 힘내세요 :)
IP : 67.xxx.135.91
* 보스튼코리아 게시판에 기재된 글은 보스톤코리아와 일체무관하며, 보스톤코리아에서는 어떠한 법적 책임도 없음을 알려드립니다. 글을 작성하실 때는 신중하게 작성하여주시기 바랍니다.
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